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     The Local Newspaper of the virtual village of Puckering

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Poisoned PenThe


With the seemingly endless appetite for sixties group reunions, the Pen can report that Ernie ‘Whistler’ Watts is thinking of getting together his ex-band, "The Whistlers," for a comeback concert. Ernie has been living outside of Puckering for the last 35 years on a farm bought from the proceeds of the Whistlers's one hit single, "Blow It."

The band was noted for its dance routines, performed in sync whilst whistling in unison. Unfortunately the  follow-up album "Whistlers's Mother" was a commercial failure.

"It took me a while to track the lads down," said a still slim Watts. "Alf had a hip replacement, so he’s not so quick on his pegs these days, and Georgie’s a bit short of breath after the operation, but I don’t doubt we'll be able to shake a leg or two. I thought that with all the boy bands out there we could be a granddad band. We’ll give the old dears a chance to get excited. I reckon a few smooth moves and we’ll have them rushing the stage."

For those that can’t remember the words of Blow It, it was an instrumental.


Contact the Pen at pen@stoneygrove.com

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This Issue: July 30, 2000

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