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     The Local Newspaper of the virtual village of Puckering

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Smith Hammers Away at Injustice
Wendy Smith, owner of Pet Love, has ignited controversy in her bid to be Puckering’s first Village Elder. Fed up with what she sees as general indifference on the part of most Puckering residents to the plight of their animal companions, both domestic and wild, she has forged a platform where furries, and frogs, come first.

"People often have no consideration for the lives and welfare of animals," says Smith. "Take the story you ran last week. Amphibians are endangered worldwide, victims to pollution, global warming and habitat loss. Instead of trying to save them, some silly git is catching them and putting them in the road. It’s shameful." As Village Elder, Smith would outlaw that tradition and introduce a number of new initiatives that are animal-friendly.

"Well to start, I’d place strict limits on the Irregulars," she reports. "All those balls flying through the air and worrying the squirrels. You laugh, but it’s got to be quite stressful for the little fellows. Always worrying when some great lug is going to knock them right out of the tree. And don’t get me started on that bloke who bites dogs. He should be locked away for good."

Smith supports tax incentives for vegetarians, arguing that meat-eating is not only cruel and wasteful of precious resources, but that vegetarians are nicer people. She also advocates the adoption of a "Pet Magna Carta," guaranteeing basic rights including adequate food, shelter, exercise and the recognition of pets’ sexual needs. "It’s quite simple, really. I just want people to treat animals like they’d like to be treated," she concludes.

Kitty condom anyone?

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BBC News
Daily Star
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