Thanks for the phone call, I was glad I could come over for the day and see you play.

It was a great game - what a finish. I can't believe you hit that shot. The old bloke Morcombe was a bit rude about it, but I thought it was glorious and you could tell he was really pleased to win, just didn't want to show it, just like us British. 

Sorry I didn't get to say more than hello to Ann. Hope you two have made up by now. I'm sure your natural charm will win the day - you seem to be on a roll at the moment. The pheasants would have been fun too, though I thought you were ordering peasants! We could have bought tweed coats and walking sticks and gone shooting. Yelling 'phesse' and blasting away and telling the dogs to go fetch. Do people really do that? I don't suppose you can get beaters in the South of England and I guess it doesn't really fit with my annual donation to the World Wildlife Fund! Oh well, back to being an accountant.


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