Greetings from the firm of McBeal, Cage and Thomas.

Our Sly really was a naughty boy and not too bright it seems, which actually is a shame, since if he had a little more up top he might still have some money left. Poor Sly, he's now confessing and offering everything he has to avoid jail. Trouble is, all he had was given to a Las Vegas lady called Dee Dee Cups. Unbelievably they cannot find her, how hard can it be! Sad, sad, sad.

So now the State is our sole target, we've added on requests for emotional distress caused by the problems (can you be distressed for me?) and then figured in some for interest lost based on the inflation rate of the seventies (since they are in fashion).

The State moves slowly, and the courts slower, but we have an action for immediate resolution next month. Hang in there, and remember, you are emotionally distressed!

Philip Cage

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