Sorry it's been a while but I was sick! Not even the result of a good night out, or even a bad curry, but some weird flu thing. It was wretched, the entire contents of my body headed for the nearest orifice and I ended up on a drip in the hospital. Still the nurse that looked after me was really pretty and kept my spirits up! It's all passed now.

We're hosting a cricket game! Seems that in the 19th century the bloke that lived here liked his cricket too, and had several games played at the house including one between the 'Friends of Stoney Grove' and Australia just before the Ashes game! W.G. Grace played and it all ended in a draw after the umpire refused to give Grace out after a caught behind. Ours will be a more modest game, but they've asked if I would play as a bowler. Brilliant, eh!

Bike hasn't come yet, but I've got Champagne on ice and I plan to surprise Ann with a special dinner in the dining room to tell her my plans.


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