Emma's Letters to Ann

Ann's Letters

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Dear Ann,

I was really quite excited to see your discoveries on Nevis.  I've spent the past week going through microfilms and finally put my hands on the obituaries for William and Fanny Blake.  I've enclosed them for you to see.  It seems at least for William there was a body to bury. 

By the time you get this, we'll all probably be learning how to tame lions --or shoot them! Simon is out-of-control. He's just shared several ridiculous ideas on how to make the house an "experience" for our visitors.  I'm sure Chester has told you all about them by now. He left the meeting at a trot to go share the news.  Frank thinks this is all just about you--that Simon wants you back, and thinks this might be the way to get your attention. I'm not sure that he's right, but if you value the investment you've made in this place, you'd best talk to him!

I'm thinking of moving back to the Hermitage. Frank can't stay here. He's been hearing voices again and they keep him from sleeping when he comes to stay with me. I also need some space, and if we open the house for tours, I can't imagine living in it as well. 

I'm going to head back to Essex as soon as I can cut loose from these meetings. I hate to risk leaving at this point, as I'm afraid of what will be voted in whilst I'm away.  Any chance of you coming back for a short visit?
