Emma's Letters to Ann

Ann's Letters

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Dear Ann,

Before I forget, Frank wants you to tell me about anything 'unusual' that you heard when you lived here. He's been hearing women's voices for a week or more, and when I told him he needed to see a doctor, he said that you'd heard them too, and would tell me if I asked. So, is he the nutter I've alway suspected he is, or is there safety in numbers?

The meeting with Jerry Anderson went well. John now knows that Jerry’s his dad. He didn’t seem particularly surprised by the news. Apparently he'd heard that Elizabeth was a free spirit, and  wasn’t sure she even knew who his dad was. He did ask Jerry if he loved her, and if she had wanted to get married, and was satisfied with Jerry’s answers (yes and no).

In my opinion, it’s about time that it was all out in the open. Jerry seems tremendously relieved. He thanked me for bringing John, and as my reward, told me that there is a safe in the house where I can probably find the missing parts of the Blake manuscript. Did you know anything about this? I’ve found it behind a mirror in Basil’s bedroom, but haven’t cracked the code yet. Jerry himself never managed to suss it out, and he isn’t really sure what’s in there.

Does the phrase "it can be opened by the grace of a gentleman who played here" mean anything to you? That’s what Monty told him when he asked how to open it. Jerry’s not the brightest of men, and he could never work it out. There must be a simple solution—there are only 7 letters or numbers to be lined up.

I suppose I could ask Frank to help. He and Monty were close and maybe he knows something about it. He probably won’t say though-- Frank doesn’t think this should be any of my business, and is unhappy that I got  in the middle of it all and have been spending time with John. So far, at least, Shirley doesn’t know.

I’ll write again if I manage to find out anything more. If you have any inspiration, please let me know.
