Emma's Letters to Ann

Ann's Letters

Back to Emma's Office


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Dear Ann,

Thanks for the transcription. It has been quiet around here with Simon and Chester gone. I’ve needed the time to sort some things out. I’ve been helping John White with his family history, and we’ve become quite good friends. Frank has been feeling threatened. You know how he gets when he is upset. He’s been quite withdrawn. Yesterday he came to my office and left me a story he’d written about why he became a hermit. He never talked about this before, but for some reason he felt it was important to share it with me now. It’s sad. He’s really quite a sweet man.

Sorry I can’t report to you on the contents of the box we found in the safe. It has disappeared. I’ve searched the house for it, questioned the Johnsons, Frank, John, and Simon’s dad, and his friend Phil, who is still hanging around. No one has seen it. I can only guess that Simon put it somewhere for safekeeping whilst he was away. You might ask him what he’s done with it; I’ve lined up a locksmith and would really like to have a look.

I’m anxious to see the journal translations. Hope you have some time to work in between entertaining all your admirers!


Read Frank's Story